Last week Emily slept in past 8:30 am every day, while Kylie was up and at 'em before 7:00. While I was thrilled that one child was sleeping in, I was totally baffled as to why my Littlest Princess awoke before the birds! I daydreamed about the day when the two would harmoniously sleep in together, realizing that this would probably not happen until their teen years. So this morning yet again, I was woken up at 7:00....not by Kylie, but by Emily! I got up to begin our daily routine of chocolate milk for the kids and coffee for Mom, fully expecting Kylie to be up within minutes. As Em and I snuggled on the couch, drinking or respective morning drinks, I watched the clock tick away to 9:00! Kylie rarely sleeps past 7:30 and NEVER past 8:00. I tip-toed downstairs to check on Sleeping Beauty, and find her still snoozing away. My sweet girl did not wake up until 9:15!
I have now come to the decision that my children have developed an elaborate conspiracy theory where they take turns sleeping in so that Mom never can. That or maybe, its just God's way of allowing me some individual snuggle time with each girl, while they still want it. Unfortunately I realize the desire to snuggle mom won't last forever. In fact, it won't be long until I have to wake two reluctant, teenage girls from the haven of the warm beds....I'd better enjoy the snugglies why I can get 'em.
Enjoy the snuggles!!
I think it is a God thing rather then a conspiracy!! My precious sweet little girls could never come up with a conspiracy on thier own!!
My girls have a better conspiracy.... Rising before 6 am. Yep that is way too early for the non morning person.
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