Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Where has November gone?

As I sat down today to do check my email and Facebook, I realized that November is already half way over.  There is less than 2 weeks left until Thanksgiving and only 37 more days until Christmas!  Can this be right? Where did November go?  It seems like just yesterday we were getting ready for Halloween and now its time for Thanksgiving and then Christmas already.  So panic has now set in since I haven't even finished Christmas shopping, and the deadline for mailing packages back to the states is December 4th.  I guess its time to pull out the decorations, wrapping paper, and Christmas carols, because ready or not the Holidays are coming!

Friday, November 7, 2008

The Chair

So if you read my previous post, you know that we have been quite unsuccessful in shopping for living room furniture.  My wonderful husband, decided to make the trek to IKEA yet again on Monday night.  I never turn down a chance to shop, so the girls and I were ready to load up and head out as soon as Daddy made it in from work.

Once we arrived at IKEA and figured out exactly how much Euro we needed to purchase everything, I headed over to the ATM to withdraw all that cash so we could shop VAT free.  (For those of you not familiar with taxes in Europe, that's a 19% tax added to all merchandise....that I definitely want back anytime we can get it!)  The ATM proceeded to argue with me and would not disperse my money.  The look on my face must have given me away, because as soon as I approached Will, he new things had not gone well.  After a lengthy discussion, we realized that it wasn't a lack of funds in our account but that the amount exceeded our daily withdraw limit!  Would we have to go home furniture-less again?  I couldn't bear the thought, and was almost in tears when my wonderful husband suggested calling our bank and having the limit raised for the day.  

Once we figured out how to call the US with our German cell phone, the bank gladly agreed to raise our limit.  Cash in hand, we gleefully head over to the furniture section of the store to order our sofa and chair.  After finding someone who spoke English, we were able to get the order printed out and headed to checkout.  Finally I would have my living room furniture....or at least I thought I would.  In the 30 minutes it took for us to walk through the store, IKEA had magically sold out of the chairs I wanted.  There was not one in stock and won't be for at least two more weeks!  Two more weeks....I have waited two months, already!  Needless to say I was upset, angry even, and begin grumbling to myself about how unfair this really was.

By this time it was late, and the "hangry's" had set in.  I was tired, hungry, and now very angry that I was not getting my way.  After all this, I still had to wait in two more lines to pay for delivery and get my VAT money back.  The girls and Will headed out to the car to watch a movie while I waited, and waited, and waited some more.  Finally it was my turn to schedule delivery for my sofa.  Frustrated I asked the man if he spoke English...."Nay, kline"..."No, none." Great, how much more fun can this evening be I thought, and then plastered a forced smile on my face.  With what little German I know, I was able to give the delivery man our address and then he gave me THE LOOK....the universal look that says, "You're not gonna like this!"  Our house is exactly 5 km outside of the delivery area, and that means 45 Euro more added to the 69 Euro delivery charge.   Completely defeated, I sighed and told him we had no other choice to go ahead.

At this point, he leaves and begins speaking with the customer service representative who handles the VAT refunds.  He returned and I paid the full amount of delivery and extra mileage.  Then the man pointed to the customer service lady and said "You see her.  Get 45 Euro back."  The man had arranged to have the extra mileage refunded!  How wonderful, I thought, there are kind people after all.  Thanking him, I headed over to get the VAT money back.  The wonderful customer service lady then blessed me again, by giving our family vouchers for free hot dogs and sodas.  Since it was already 8pm, and we hadn't eaten this proved to be a wonderful meal.  We headed home, tired but with full tummies and a sofa scheduled for delivery.

Once the kiddos were in the bed, Will asked how much the chair would cost when we went back and how much Euro I had in my wallet.  He wanted to make sure we kept enough Euro out so we could just go and get it.  I looked in the catalog and found the chair, 199 Euro.   We then counted all the bills in my wallet...200 Euro!  We realized that had we tried to pay for the chair initially, we would not have had enough money.  It wasn't until getting the extra mileage and VAT refund, that we actually had the correct amount.  I suddenly felt so small and humble.  In all this God had worked out a way that I could have my chair and pay for it in cash.  Despite my nasty attitude, and grumbling the Lord blessed our family.  I am so glad that our God is bigger than my grumpy, whiny attitude. 

Conspiracy Theory

So after today it's official....my children are conspiring against me!  Anyone who knows our children well, know that sleeping past 7:00 is sleeping in and anyone who knows me well knows that I am NOT a morning person.  I value my sleep, need my sleep, and can be quite grumpy when I don't get enough.  

Last week Emily slept in past 8:30 am every day, while Kylie was up and at 'em before 7:00.  While I was thrilled that one child was sleeping in, I was totally baffled as to why my Littlest Princess awoke before the birds!  I daydreamed about the day when the two would harmoniously sleep in together, realizing that this would probably not happen until their teen years.  So this morning yet again, I was woken up at 7:00....not by Kylie, but by Emily!  I got up to begin our daily routine of chocolate milk for the kids and coffee for Mom, fully expecting Kylie to be up within minutes.  As Em and I snuggled on the couch, drinking or respective morning drinks, I watched the clock tick away to 9:00! Kylie rarely sleeps past 7:30 and NEVER past 8:00.   I tip-toed downstairs to check on Sleeping Beauty, and find her still snoozing away.  My sweet girl did not wake up until 9:15!

I have now come to the decision that my children have developed an elaborate conspiracy theory where they take turns sleeping in so that Mom never can.  That or maybe, its just God's way of allowing me some individual snuggle time with each girl, while they still want it.  Unfortunately I realize the desire to snuggle mom won't last forever.  In fact, it won't be long until I have to wake two reluctant, teenage girls from the haven of the warm beds....I'd better enjoy the snugglies why I can get 'em.  

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Our Saturday Drive

So for those of you not familiar with German culture, they take a LOT of holidays.  I am not exactly sure what they're all for, but none the less they take off a ton.  So today Will and I decide to finally go and order the furniture for our formal living room.  We've lived in this house just over a month, and the void that greets us as we walk in the door has become annoying to say the least.  We load up the car and head off down the Autobahn to IKEA in Mannheim.  Will and I are actually able to have an adult conversation for the first time all day, thanks to the girls enjoying a Barbie DVD in the back.  As we drive a long, we discuss the beauty of the changing leaves, how to arrange the new furniture we are about to purchase, and our plans for the rest of the day. 

As we near IKEA, I begin to grow more and more excited about shopping and the opportunity to finally decorate my living room.  After driving for about an hour we pull in to the vast, completely EMPTY parking lot!  It is noon on a Saturday, and not a car to be found at one of the busiest shopping complexes around....something is wrong.  I get out of the truck and try to read the sign on the door.  (I guess I forgot that I don't actually know German.)  Using my super detective abilities, I deduce that today must be a holiday.   I am still not sure what holiday was being celebrated but, one thing is obvious....I am NOT getting my furniture.  As I make my way back to the truck, I am reminded of a recent conversation with Emily (in which I explained to her that we don't always get what we want and we should be thankful for what we are given.) So, I chose to take my own advice and focus on what I was given: a relaxing Saturday afternoon drive enjoying autumn in the German wine country and a chance to talk to my husband. Despite my disappointment in not getting what I set out for, I am thankful for some time to just enjoy the scenery and some much needed Mommy and Daddy time.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Finally Blogging

After living overseas for nearly 4 and half years now, I have finally surrendered to the idea of blogging.  Hopefully this technology will allow our family and friends a better way to keep updated on what's going on in the Kouba house.  

Right now things are zooming along.  We are blessed with two very busy little girls, Emily Paige and Kylie Faith.  (Although, Emily would argue she's not so little anymore!)  I am in the process of finishing up my Bachelors in Education, while attempting to keep up with play dates, dance class, Bible study, housework, home school, and volunteering at church....some of these things get done more successfully than others. 

Will has just returned from a TDY to the states, where he enjoyed good food, good friends (Thanks Mr. & Mrs. B) and lots of good shopping.  Thankfully the ops tempo at the 1st CBCS has kept him just busy enough....not too many TDY's and just enough business to keep him from going insane.  

We are enjoying Germany and all it has to offer.  Hopefully we will get to travel much more frequently than we did in England.  We are heading to Interlaken, Switzerland again this July and hope to hit up a few more places before the end of Summer.